By: Keleen McCawley
CWV Post 1947 & Auxiliaries Christmas Party was held in Ballroom A & D at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino on December 7th. Post Commander Dan Kamanano was the Master of Ceremonies during the event.
The party began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the lighting of the candle at the POW/MIA Table. Introductions of special guests – CWV National Commander Francis Kowalski, National Auxiliary Representative Louise Duchan, VA Chief of Voluntary Services Robert Johnson and the VA’s new Catholic Chaplain and Post 1947s Chaplain Rev. Tyson Wood. Fr. Wood was presented with a CWV Life Membership card.
RAF Wg. Commander Welsh presented Jim and Keleen McCawley with a photograph of aircraft that the RAF have operated from their first aircraft to present for their support of the Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11th at Mt. Charleston.
CWV National Commander Kowalski presented Wg. Commander Welsh 39 Squadron with a Certificate of Appreciation for 9 years of volunteer work with CWV Post 1947.
Fr. Wood gave the invocation before dinner was served. During dinner the Backstage Revue provided entertainment. Music was provided by Knight Sounds. Last, but not least, Santa made a visit!
Drawings for 13 door prizes, and the raffle for Total Wine & More (wine tasting class for 20 people valued at $500.00) were done.
The Super Raffle for Southwest Airline tickets (valued at $800.00), $500.00 cash, an Eagle lamp and Nurnberg Christmas cookie treasure chest was then drawn. The Southwest airline tickets were won by a CWV member from Connecticut. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes were won by local residents. After the drawings the guests continued to dance the night away