Below you will see some of our “Frequently Asked Questions”
If you do not see a question and or answer you need help with, please contact us and we can help.

• Advertising

♦ Q: When is the deadline to start an ad or to make changes to my ad?

◊ A: The deadline for ad placement is the 23rd day of each month preceding the issue..

♦ Q: What type of file should I send for my ad?

◊ A: .pdf, .tif, .jpg files with 4 color CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) 300 dpi (dots per inch) file(s) is best for our printer.


• Articles

♦ Q: When is the deadline to submit articles?

◊ A: The deadline for an article submission is the 18th day prior to the monthly issue.

♦ Q: Why is my article or press release different than the copy I sent?

◊ A: Veterans Reporter News reserves the right to edit down any material sent to us due to space requirements and limitations.

• Just Wondering…

♦ Q: Who is the current publisher/owner operator of Veterans Reporter News?

◊ A:Su Phelps purchased the rights to publish Veterans Reporter News from Chuck Baker in late 2013.

♦ Q: How much does a copy of Veterans Reporter News cost?

◊ A: Veterans Reporter News printed copies as well as the online versions are available for free.

♦ Q: Where can I find a print copy?

◊ A: We distribute to Nellis AFB, VA Clinics/Hospitals, Libraries, VFW, American Legion and several other locations.