The 2019 Nevada Veterans Legislative Summit



By: Megan Way and Su Phelps | Photos by: Su Phelps and Lawrence Oravetz

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS) and United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC) partnered together to conduct the 2019 Veterans Summit at the VA Southern Nevada Health Care Center on December 12th. The UVLC helps bring together state and national veterans’ organizations, as well as individual veterans’ and their families. And most importantly help serve as a central “voice” for the whole veterans’ community in Nevada. The UVLC partners with NDVS in various ways.

The Veterans Legislative Summit provides the opportunity to learn:

  • How to contact and talk with your Nevada State Representative
  • Upcoming legislation that matters to veterans and their families.
  • How to get involved and track bills of concern to veterans in the upcoming 2019 session of the Nevada Legislature

The main goals of this conference are first, to make sure that the lawmakers understand what’s important to the veteran’s community. And second how to participate in the legislature process. This event happens every other year when the Nevada legislature is in session.

Katherine Miller, Director of NDVS, who spoke at the conference was interviewed by Sanlih E-Television TV’s Alfie Huang. Sanlih E-Television (SET) is a Taiwanese Global TV Network who was interested in Las Vegas’ veteran’s community. Veterans Reporters News Set was introduced

Which bill is the most important this year?

“That’s a hard thing to say which bill is most important. In past years there have been some definite focuses. Last year was suicide prevention was a huge focus… And the year before it was homelessness. This year it’s really all over the map. I think the ones rising to the top is the need to protect veterans from the scourge of suicide and making sure veterans have employment. Not just any job, but a job commensurate with their experience and their skills.”

What’s your biggest challenge?

“There’s a sea of good will out there. Our biggest challenge isn’t new benefits or services it’s making sure every veteran understands the benefits and services that their time in the military has earned them.”

Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Black Mountain #12 of Henderson and the DAV Sunrise Mountain #13 of Las Vegas provided the food and coffee.

Members from every veterans community in Nevada and representatives from Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen, were present. The summit was very successful.