City Of Las Vegas’ Veterans Services Fair A Great Success


By: Megan Way, Susan Santarcangelo and Neil Johnson
On October 9, 2019 the City of Las Vegas sponsored a Veteran Services Fair at the Dula Gym (441 E Bonanza Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89101). The fair offered free services to support local veterans. Those services included assistance with VA enrollment, VA benefits, VA Medical, VA Vison and VA Dental screening, Job Connect, Goodwill, Housing, Readjustment Counseling, Family Life Counseling, legal assistance, Social Security, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, employment interviews, pet check-ups, haircuts and other services. The event was open to all men and women who served in the U.S. Military, Reserves, National Guard and the Merchant Marines.
Neil Johnson President of Veterans Service Fair says, “I am pleased to report that our 10th Veterans Service Fair / Stand Down was successful and met this year’s goals and objectives.” The event began with a “thank you” to our sponsors, providers, volunteers that donate their time, services and money. After the doors were opened to let the Veterans in, the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) presented the Colors and our National Anthem. Everything ran very smoothly, but space was limited to the Dula Gym due to the Senior Center being remodeled. The Parks and Recreations team did a wonderful job on making adjustments to make sure everyone had a place to exhibit their services.
After the President thanked the sponsors, providers and volunteers for the event he thanked the fair’s other financial and founding supporters, “We are also very grateful that the Las Vegas Parks and Recreations has made their facilities available to hold these events over the last 5 years that I have been involved with. Some of our key players for this year’s event was the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), the Disable American Veterans (DAV), Catholic War Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of Americas, and the Las Vegas Parks and Recreations. A very special thanks to Kelly Moshman, one of the founders of the Veterans Service Fair, Amy Solich with Las Vegas Parks and Recreations, she just makes things happen and my family who is always there when I need them. I look forward to working with everyone next year to our continue our efforts on supporting our homeless and low-income Veterans.”